Blog | How to Protect Your Roof from Storm Damage

Spring in Oklahoma usually brings pretty violent thunderstorms and torrential rain at least once. And of course the threat of tornadoes is always there. Of course all this can create havoc on your roof. While nothing will protect your roof if hit by a tornado straight on, there are things that you can do to minimize damage from powerful storms. If you know the proper steps to protect your roof from storm damage and you put that into action, you can keep your home and family safe and avoid the stress and expense of dealing with avoidable roof damage from spring rain and storms.

The first thing you need to do is inspect your roof. It is particularly important to inspect your roof on a regular basis. Most people wait way too long to inspect their roof and minor issues add up quickly. To check your roof, make sure your roofing is solid and not in need of repair and check the interior walls and ceiling for signs of leaking or staining. Also be sure to check the outside walls for leaks, stains, cracks, and any other damage.

The second thing you need to do is to keep your roof clean. Roofs very well can cave in when they are carrying a heavier load than they are built to handle. Snow and ice are tough on any roof. You can lessen the weight by keeping your roof clean of debris. Remove any debris, such as leaves and tree limbs, and pay special attention to your gutters. Clean gutters mean water runs off far more effectively from heavy or severe rain and storms. There are many different types of roofs with varying strengths and weaknesses, but they’ll all be better off if you reduce the weight they carry as much as possible.

A-Plus Roofing can come to your home and inspect for any roof damage. We are an experienced Jenks / Tulsa Roofing Company, Owasso roofing company and Jenks roofing company. We will walk you through the complete process of replacing or repairing your damaged roof. If you’re looking for a roofing company in the surrounding Tulsa Area, then A-Plus roofing is the company you need! Call anytime at 918-438-7663.